In this final section of the Handbook we bring to the table practical tools- games, social network analysis and collaborative learning – that may support DRR professionals to better appraise relevant cultural aspects in their own ‘community of practice’ as well as in the environment where they intervene.
We aim to support the disaster community (experts, policy makers, researchers, stakeholders) with a selection of serious games that can be used in the field of disaster preparedness. The games may help you to understand the cultural factors behind decisions of community members, and will enable the experts to test their assumptions in a safe environment before working with actual communities. Moreover, certain games can be used to train your colleagues or groups you work with to enhance their disaster preparedness. The tools and games introduced in this chapter can be adapted to address diverse attitudes, perceptions, behaviour and cultural values and beliefs within the various communities.
We also reflect on our experiences replicating case study approaches in other cities, and the establishment of Communities of Practice (CoP). By encouraging, enabling and sustaining multi-stakeholder dialogue through which academics, practitioners and communities can actively engage and share knowledge, expertise and experience, their capabilities will be strengthened, but most importantly, it will allow both formal and informal risk managers and planners and spatial planners emergency responders in cities to be better informed and guided.